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Verrah is a fantasy setting taking place in a tribal like realm where people live village territories and spirits roam in the great yonder. The main thing to note about the world is the races are not human but based on real life anthropods (albeit, more anthropomorphic) divided into two notable factions: the seenali and the unseeka. Both factions were departed after the island of edoa created , creating two islands of hemipro and arancila. They still could contact each other besides these obstacles. The tech level is more along the lines of primitive with a few advances in warfare like siege weapons, blades, and some forms of armor.

Creation myth[edit | edit source]

Before they were people, there was only shadow and when there was shadow, there were spirits. They wandered the aimless for many eons with only so few having any kind of purpose. Among them, there were the Kai, mighty spirits of great power that were godlike. There were only 5 in existence: lepona, arancha, krus, centiraka, and millu. Each God grew bored of the shadow they resided in, seeing only infinite nothingness everywhere they look. The time came when the kai finally decided to use their shared motives on it one goal, craft the world as their Mother, gaia had intended. So, the world was made from the shadows, becoming clay then soild rock. One breath from arancha's kiss made the earth, lepona 's wings made the sky, krus made the sea, and millu and centiraka made life and death. For many moons, no one but the kai themselves lived on it. No creature scurried or birds flown over there heads, only blank landscape. The kai then planted life into the oceans where bacteria began to flourish then sea creatures until the first people was born: the trill or the ancients as they were now called.

Now, the trill never knew about the surface as it was still harmful even with lepona's gifts. So they swam in these primordial oceans for many moons and cycles, never once thinking about the surface. One day, however, one brave soul swam up and took a peak. It was a very quick peek as the sun made from lepona's gentle hands sheared his eyes. But before he could go back, he saw something, in the horizon and In that very horizon was a spot. It was a small spot but glimmer that something inside. The creature did not know what it is nor how it felt but he wanted push a nudge now this he did. He ducked back into the ocean and dashed for it, his mind still fixated on the thought of that spot. He swam and he swam. The spot grows close as he peeks his head out of the water. He swam some more as the spot begin to change to shape into a line with a bump on it. He stops swimmimg. He peeks his eyes out of the water again. The young creature looked over there and looked over here. His eye finally meets a strange thing. The water was more shallow since the seabed was closest to him and strange bits met his eye. Then he did it, he climb out of the water and into this strange place. The bits touched his many feet as he glided across the path of strange bits which he begins to call it sand. Sand, yes, and this is the ground. The thing over my head is the sky and that bright thing is the sun. He swam back and returned to his colony to tell of his discovery. At first, they were reluctant, thinking he gone mad from staying on the surface for too long. But the more he told them, the. More they grew interested until they had no other choice but to consider. And so they followed suit. They went into the land and it a home here, only come to the sea for mating.

As time went on, the trill grew to be a great nation. With there own customs and cultures. Years grew short and death seem immediate as the extinction came wipe me of of them out. The last remaining grew to become the horsho, the third people. The others evolved into various forms, from the scarabs to the butterflies, and bees. They were bombarded and killed but managed to grow more hardy as time went on.

The great yonder[edit | edit source]

Or the spirit world, use to be apart of the world of the living until it was a separated to protect or form the spirits. Now it can only be accessed by a select few known as walkers and shamans.